wondering if she should ride with her husband over the road

well my hubby is going over the road for the first time and he would like me to go with him and i honestly would love too but every one keeps saying im dumb if i go.

They say that its to dangerous. I guess i need some advise from someone that's facing the same situation that i am

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Jan 29, 2013
go NEW
by: Anonymous

i love being on the road with him but the comp he with wont let me ... go if you can in joy being with him .. and iam 51

May 02, 2012
just do it NEW
by: Anonymous

if your husband is asking you to go with him go ..i have been married 3 yrs and have went with my husband quite a few times and i love it ..you get to spend that extra time with him and see different places

Jan 24, 2012
Go For It!! NEW
by: Anonymous

When I first met my husband he took me on the road for seven weeks. After we were married, I stayed on the road until I was 20 weeks pregnant with both of our daughter (ages 2 and 4 now). Our girls have seen roughly 38 states and his older son has seen 48. We have our best times on the road. It really makes you feel close, and is affirmation that you married the right person when you can stay together in that small space for a long period of time and have a blast doing it!!! If your hubby is asking you to go OTR with him, maybe he feels like he needs more quality time with you.

Nov 10, 2011
What's holding you back? NEW
by: RenegadeRuby

I went an extra step and got my CDL license. If you know how to drive it and take care of the truck, it's a lot safer anyway! It's a lot like going on a long camping trip and there are many uncomfortable situations, but it's an adventure! We have a great big beautiful country and I am so glad I drove across it.

Nov 01, 2011
Just do it
by: Henrys Girl

Il start by saying its not for everyone. If your a high maintainance person its not going to be for you. (yes, sometimes you have to pee in a cup or in the woods lol) If your the type that can get up brush your hair and teeth and be ready to go... DO IT!!!
Being with him and experiencing what he goes through will be an eye opener and will give you more understanding of his life, and actions, when your not there.
I go every chance I get, I cook, clean, call for exact directions into loading docks (gps doesn't give you dock doors for the most part). Just being with him instead of at home is all I need.
As far as danger, sure there's danger, if you were at a hotel in a big city there would also be danger, treat it with common sense, be smart and have fun.

Oct 25, 2011
well I guess you heard that!
by: hervy


Well you see the feedback. I agree. Don't worry, enjoy the ride.


Oct 24, 2011
Don't miss the opportunity
by: Kitty

There is no more danger out here on the road than in any community that you could live in. I've been riding with my hubby on and off for the last seven years and have never had any problems at any time.

You have to be aware of your surroundings just like anywhere else and don't put yourself in situations that could cause you trouble.

We stop at truck stops every night and unless we are very close to the door, I will not get out of the truck alone, and when I do I make sure that he knows it and I have my cell phone with me.

Don't think about what could happen but think about all the fun and excitement you will have by being on the road with your man.

Oct 23, 2011
asking the wrong question
by: Mommyof2

Climbing into a semi is no more dangerous than anything else you do in a day. Yes it "could" be dangerous, but then again you "could" get struck by lightening in your own home also.

There are so many women that would love to have an opportunity to climb in that truck and hit the road with their driver but can't because of medical issues, work, children, etc.

Take advantage of it while you can!

Once/If you decide to go out on the road, please pack accordingly, if he drives all 48 states then you need to have clothing options for all temps because you never know what weather you could be facing.

Also pack everything you would think you would need to go camping, without the tent. Remember showers are scarce out there and you could have to go 2-4 days before getting one.

Have a good first aid kit with lots of medications, truck stops can get expensive and some restaurants don't offer the best foods and can mess with your stomach.

Check out this link... https://www.youtube.com/user/TruckerDesiree i absolutely love how she touches on some of the basic necessities and information that any lady would need when out on the road....

Enjoy your time and have fun!!!!

Oct 23, 2011
riding in a tractor trailer
by: Anonymous

Well when you go out the door that could be dangerous. You could fall and get hurt break a leg or your neck. Get in your car and get hit by someone. Or be at the grocery store. And get robbed in the parking lot. It is safe in a truck. If your husband is a safe driver. You will be fine.

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