Will I be able to get back into a driver training program after cleaning DAC?

by Raymond Rockwell
(Spokane Wa.)

Hello my name is Raymond Rockwell 2yrs. ago I was accepted y central refrigerated to take their driver training so I did and I got my cdl and a job but I ended having a couple of accidents.

1 that wasn't my fault and another that was. I have had my dac report fixed and have been taken of the no hire list and my accidents have been removed or changed to non preventable.

I have applied at a couple of different companies and have failed to mention on my employment history about central and the reason is the fact that I am very embarrassed about it and my short lived career with central only adds up to about 2 months so I am lacking in experience.

I am looking for a 2nd. chance because I feel I would do pretty good now. Are these companies going to deny me for the fact I didn't add central to my employment history because even if I don't they still show up on my apps.

If you might have info. on any other companies that I should apply with please let me know thank-you from Raymond Rockwell my e-mail is raymondrockwell@yahoo.com

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