Who do I contact if my company won't send me home

by Shaun'ae
(Amarillo texas)

If I have been out 6 weeks and I put in for home time like I was suppose to. I put it in on the 25th to be home from the 1st to the 5th. They I live in Nevada. They routed me west to co they said it was to get me going that way then they decided to say screw it apparently.

Now I'm routed to Arkansas. Who do I call if they won't let me have home time.

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Nov 07, 2019
Dumb azz dispatchers NEW
by: Anonymous

You must ne talking about Mvt transportation racist azz company. Treat people like they are stupid. Tell you one thing and drop what they want on you, and expect you to deal with it. Yall go home to your pathetic lives dont you think we have loved ones too.

Nov 05, 2016
If they promised to send you home...
by: Anonymous

.. ..and then they dispatched you on a load going in the opposite direction...

You would say "I'm going home"

"Find me another load going towards my Home"

Ask if they speak the same language you do?

Or, take the load and let them just keep doing this to you until you quit. No sweat off their asses. They'll have another driver in that truck before you can say "I quit"

and then they'll probably have you park the truck somewhere and tell you to find your way home...while they send someone to get the truck

My guess is, you work for one of those "big" companies...like JB Hunt, Schneider, CR England, Knight, SWIFT...Interstate... they are all the same.

"No experience needed".. they train you, charge you for the training, pay you shit pay, and leave you out on the road for months begging for advances on money you havent even earned yet...

Yeah, not the way to go about trucking in this industry

Nov 05, 2016
Like he said - tough it out for 6 months
by: Anonymous

Tough through it for 6 months then find another company.

But keep on to your dispatcher about getting yourself home.

6 weeks straight is tough even for a seasoned trucker like me..

Nov 05, 2016
Go up chain of command
by: Hervy

Just keep going up chain of command Shaun'ae until you feel that someone is taking your complaint seriously.

I assume this is your first trucking job. If so, I would suggest to hang in their with them for 6 months. Even if they don't get you home like they supposed to.

If at that time they are not acting right, I would apply to other trucking companies.

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