What are the Pros and Cons of Husband and Wife Living On The Road

by david
(masontown pa)

I guess I wonder the pros and cons of living on the road with no home. Just me with her and the good lord

My wife and I are in our early 50s. She has worked in medicine all her life and wants to quit work put every thing in storage and live in truck.

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May 23, 2014
It's an awesome experience NEW
by: Anonymous

We'll my hubby and I do it and we have very few issues. Course it can get stressful and you can get on each other's nerves at times. But that happens at home too for anyone. If you need a daily shower or have to keep up with the latest fashions then no, trucking is not for you. But, if you are like me, you just have to be creative. We mostly eat our meals in the truck which saves money and we only fuel where we get points for free showers so we actually shower as often as we want. The long and the short of it is don't over think it. Try it for a week. You'll either like it or u won't. There is no grey area. By the way, I can't think of anyplace else I'd rather be than living in this truck with my hubby!!! Best of luck to you both

Jan 16, 2014
hmmm NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree with T about this. My opinion DO NOT DO IT!!!! There is no way I would go on the road with my husband, live in small cramped quarters & forego daily showers. I don't know how your wife is, but if I don't get my daily shower, I would be one grumpy person to be around. Plus I am sure the food at truck stops are not really good & they are very expensiive!

Dec 26, 2013
Long Term Motivation NEW
by: BigRigTruckersWife

My husband is an OTR trucker. He is usually gone for several weeks at a time. I work full-time in a very stressful job. We have made plans for me to quit my job and go on the road with him full-time next summer. Due to health issues I am unable to drive so will just be a ride along. I cannot wait. Having spent time on the road with him at various times, I can say that first and foremost we both want this to happen and are prepared to live with the consequences of our choice. Making the choice for me to be on the road full-time with him as the only income will have the consequence of less income, very close living quarters, and basically being homeless. As it is right now, rent is almost one whole paycheck for me, and the stress from my job has resulted in me having major health problems. We are in a family situation where the kids are grown and have their own lives so there's no little ones that we are responsible for. There are positive and negative points for a husband and wife being on the road together. Negative: lack of daily showers most of the time and small living space. The positive side for us is that we both enjoy travel, seeing new places, and most importantly that we enjoy being together every day. That's not to say that we don't get on each other's nerves but that happens at home too and that's why I have the Kindle app on my phone. :) If you as a couple are both committed to the lifestyle and would enjoy waking up every day with a thirst for the day's travel then I strongly encourage y'all to give it a go.

Nov 25, 2013
ahh NEW
by: Anonymous

i think she is just tired...i am in my early 50's and my husband is a trucker as well....i feel tired all the time now from many long hours of a high paced job(s)all my life...there's nothing wrong with her, she just needs lots of sleep right now and of course bills cant be paid while a person sleeps...let her go for awhile with you let her sleep it off for now.... more than likely she will get tired of living in a truck without the amenities we women are use too!! :) like going to the bathroom all the time...i know thats not possible while driving long haul but i dont think she does....give her the taste she wants...who knows maybe she will get her cdl out of it?? :)

Nov 25, 2013
hmmm NEW
by: T

I'd say very bad idea!

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