Western Express Lease Purchase..... good and bad

by TC
(Tulsa, OK)

I bought my truck through Western Express in Nashville about 9 months ago and think there are a few things that everyone should know before considering it. You have to understand the math of owning your own business.

The guy David that started the program spends a lot of time going over the process and showed me how to calculate my fuel my earnings and my expenses. He has a 3 step plan of learning, saving and credit building. These steps have helped me a lot. No one ever explained any of this stuff before.

I've leased 4 times before and all FAILED terrible. This time the guy that runs it explaining it to me and has changed everything. If I take his routing and fuel example of 6.5 and plan my trip his way it just seems to work.

I also had a 30 day and 60 day follow up with him about my performance that showed me more about what I did and did not do right. I've never had a company do a monthly recap of my performance and show me what I could do better or anything like that. the last 4 companies just handed me the keys I signed some papers and away I went.

The only truly bad things that I can about them is the orientation is a little slow paced and if you have to go to the yard in Nashville it is very very slow.... don't go! other than that its just another day at the office with four wheelers, shippers and receivers. the usual! I like my dispatcher Jess and like the load planner mark. I'm a huge fan of getting my services done at the TA or Speedco.

if you are thinking about becoming an owner operator make sure you ask a lot of question about where, when, how and how much. This is a very rewarding experience owning a truck if you take the time to learn how to do it right. anything worth doing requires patience and knowledge. good luck all!


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May 03, 2015
sxrew lease purchase
by: Anonymous

Every lease purchase is the same....all in favor of the cocompany, if they want to run u off n take the truck back its easy...just stop giving u miles...lol.such bs. Save 5k...go buy ur own truck then lease on to a small company that pays 90percent of the load. Screw all rhe big companies.

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