
by Kim Freeman
(South Carolina )

..My husband has been O/O..over the road..all states and Alaska..for 30 + years..Then he met me..LOL..He had a New truck when I met him in 2012..The note on the truck was 600 a week..but he made good money then.

We married in 2013. And I moved from Louisiana to Omaha. He worked for a company that allowed him to have weekend off. Good run at first..But as you know that all changed quickly. Then had off only Saturday night. He became unhappy.

So I stood behind him He changed companies. We moved back to Louisiana in with my mom. Due to the fact we stayed on the road for 3 moths at a time.

I would stay with my mom for a month or two then go back in the truck. It was very hard for me to live in the truck because once we were out we didn't stop. Home time became less and less. We bought a flat bed trailer another 400 a week and I don't have to tell you about repairs and breakdowns.

We pretty much was living for the truck for next 2 years..We are both in our mid 50s Both divorced and starting over..No house No savings and getting older quickly..LOL..We made the decision together to give the truck and trailer back and find a place to live and spend time with each other.

He took a company job and we moved to South Carolina. Well needless to say. The income is horrible But he is home on weekends. But Now he is not Happy again and want to buy a new Truck and trailer and go back on the road for weeks at a time.

I don't think I can do it ..any thoughts? I'm over 1000 miles from family and know no one here in South Carolina..It was hard when I was in Louisiana at My moms when he was gone for moths. This time I'll be all by myself in a state were I know no one..ANY ADVICE..

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Oct 27, 2016
Is there a game plan for this?
by: Hervy

Does he know what he is going to do with the truck and trailer? Has he done research on what to expect there? (And what that translates to after expenses.)

Many drivers who have several years experience can find a company that pays pretty good if they have a good driving record. If him being over the road is going to ruin yous guys relationship a few extra thousand dollars at the end of the year won't matter.

Also, why can't you move back around family. And how about yall make a deal. If you are going to get a truck and trailer, its not until you move back near family.

But that also depends on what yous guys plans are. Is he going to actually commit to keeping it and paying it off or is it just something to do with not real plan. Because if you both decide to stick it out and get it paid for, then I am sure you can make due in South Carolina for a few years.

I don't know. The details you have to figure out but the main point I have is for you all to have a well thought out plan for moving forward. What is the goal of it all?

How long is he going to drive for? Where do you plan on living in old age? Is it South Carolina? If not, then you might as well move before he gets the truck and trailer.

I would think about those things. But also, look at a budget to make sure you are not spending more money than you need to. If you are going to get the truck and trailer, get it paid for so that cycle is over.

It is real nice when all of that is paid for. But in my opinion, if he is not the type who can stick it out, no need of buying. Find a great company job and get $50,000 plus without the headache.

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