Trying Hard To Be Supportive


It has been very difficult since my husband left for his training 2 weeks ago. We have been married 5 years and have NEVER been apart.

We have adult children and grandchildren and consider ourselves blessed to find each other and be able to start our lives.

We moved 1300 miles from our families 6 mo ago to be closer to his mother who was very ill. She is now gone. He decided that he wanted to get his CDL so he went to a tech college.

He was hired by a company last month and has gone for his training. He absolutely loves driving. He and his trainer have a lot in common and have really hit it off. I know this is a real blessing because I have heard all of the horror stories.

When he would call on his first phase of training, he was excited and talked like they were having a great time. He would tell me all of the awesome places they had been.

They would be laughing and it seemed that he was on some sort of vacation. I never let him know it, but I was jealous and more than a little irritated. I felt left out and pretty much sorry for myself that I wasn't there.

Since he has moved on to phase 2 this week, they are taking turns driving both day and night. He has been sick with a bad sinus infection and having a hard time sleeping while the truck is moving.

He is grouchy and sometimes goes long periods of time without calling. I try not to take it personally, but find myself feeling hurt and left out again.

I try to stay supportive, if I tell him that I'm sad about him being gone he gets defensive and angry and tells me I don't understand.

I have no family or friends here and have caught myself drowning in self pity recently. If it was not for God and prayer I don't know if I could bear the next 3-4 weeks.

I found this website because I wanted to know if this is normal or just me being selfish. Our plan is to go out together when he finishes.

Reading other's comments on this forum has already helped a lot. At least I don't feel as crazy and more and reading it has killed a couple of hours.

Thank You

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May 01, 2012
trying hard to be supportive NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been there too. Remmber God is with you and keep in prayer for him to keep you & your marrige strong. As truckers wives i think we all feel left out and very alone well at least for me. Your strong and even in your weakest moment God is with you. My husband get that way too. Yells for no reason and so on. and i do take it personal but im still learning after all of these years. I have known my husband since grade school we were not together but I have known him before he drove. just give it to god and know that your husband does love you. keep busy as you can. read your bible to help you. remmber you will get though this trust in god and your husband and you will be fine. He may not understand very well but as truckers wives we do or I do. God bless.

Apr 19, 2012
Thank You NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for the feedback. It has been nice to feel that someone is actually hearing what I am saying.

Apr 18, 2012
being alone NEW
by: Anonymous

You need to find something to do to keep yourself extremely busy. The hours alone will eat you up if you don't keep busy. If you don't have a job how about volunteering? Once his training is over you can go to truck driving schoola dn then you guys can run team. If he is having so much fun on the road, think how much more fun it will be with someone he loves driving with him. Good luck to you!

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