trucking sounds great

by Jeff
(Atlanta GA)

I have just decided recently that this is the route in life i want to take. I've been around the trucking industry my entire life and never knew what i wanted. Well i figured it out and THANK YOU for your site.

It really gave me some good insight on what really goes down.

Most companies i have been researching all sugar coat everything but never really let you know what it's like.
It should be mandatory that every potential driver come here.

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Aug 05, 2008
Thanks, I Try
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hello Jeff,

I am glad the sit was useful for you. Yeah, you know man, nothing is like a fairytale in true life. You take some bad times in this just like anything else. What you have to do is look at the big picture and see if it is what you want to do.

Kinda like being on a football team or baseball team at school. It's all good when you are the team playing. Most people only see that part, however, the person playing must practice, work-out, etc. That the dues he pays to be on the team. Sometimes he might be in the middle of a work out wishing he was with his boys on the block chilling, but then he thinks about the big picture.

And he says, "This is part of what I must go through to be a part of the team and being on the team is what I want to do so this too is something that I should find a way to enjoy." (lol or at least tolerate with a smile)

So he learns to love it all. (Or at least embrace it)

If you want to be a trucker, you know there will be some challenging times, but at the end of the day its all a part of being a trucker.

Love it all!

I'll see ya out here
keep in touch.

The Crazy Trucker

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