To let him leave, or not to let him leave...

by Natasha

our son

our son

Okay so about a year ago I was pregnant with our son and he was leaving to go to a trucking school for three months. He got half way there and decided to come back for me and his son.

Our son is only a year now and he already wants to go try it again.

I never wanted my life to be like this, I wanted to go to bed every night with my husband and know that he is there to protect me when I need him. But next week he plans to start training with Stewart.

I am not ready for him to leave yet but I try to support him. He is going to miss out on so much of his sons life in the next two years if he signs the contract!

I mean I wish I could be supportive and let him go but I have had too many men (fathers, grandfathers, etc.) walk out on me and find something better like new kids and such so I have huge trust issues.

He comes from a family of truck drivers and thinks it is normal and I'll just "get over it" but I just don't want my son to go through the things I had to deal with not having a father there to guide me through life.

My big question is should I just "get over it" or stick up for my feelings and my sons life without a father?

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Sep 17, 2012
long line of truckers NEW
by: Anonymous

So when you and him got together you already knew he come from a long line of truckers,did you not ever think he would follow the line?
Let me ask you this,Would you rather your man work otr and bring in money? Or be a stay at home game station playin couch potato bum? Women are sapposed to be very supportive of there husbands/boyfriends exspecially when they're doing something good for the family,bringing in money.Being a truckers wife is hard,being a trucker is just as hard. Some jobs are ment for some ppl and some arent. Some can do the everyday 9 to 5 factory,and some can truck,or flip burgers.Be very supportive of your trucker!!!

May 07, 2012

Have you talked at all about the possiblity of a local route or at least one that gets home more often? I am kind of new to this. My husband only has 20 more hours of his 275 training with Werner. He has chosen the 48 states and will be out 3-4 weeks and then home 4 days. I am very fortunate because all of our kids are grown and I will have the options of going out with him. I know that he had the option of a local route, home every night and/or every weekend. I know that the money isn't as good but it is an option that you might be able to talk to him about it when he gets finished with school. Get close to God and pray about it. Prayer works and offers a great amount of comfort. God Bless you and good luck.

Apr 14, 2012
Tough spot to be in... NEW
by: Anonymous

First of all, protect you from what exactly?? lol... do you live in a rough neighborhood? Second of all, this is a difficult spot to be in. He already turned back once to stay with you and your baby....that shows alot of character. Sounds like he is a decent man with morals. My concern is this... if you say "NO you cannot leave us", you risk pushing him away. In which case, he may decide he cannot stay with someone who is controlling or he may resent you for making his decision for him. If this happens, you will be alone anyways; trucking or no trucking. Another thought is this... I think when it comes to big decisions regarding family life, that the "NO" factor should always win. Whether it be changing careers, having children, moving ect. It impacts everyone and can have some dire consequences. Your concerns are completely legitimate.. it's not an easy life. I think you have to be a certain kind of person to manage things. For me personally with 4 kids at home and my hubby on the road, its a blessing... I love my independence and I love having him home. I trust him too though and we communcate well with one another.

Apr 14, 2012
driving NEW
by: Anonymous

He came from a family of truckers. And it is a good living to take care of you and your son. He is proably think about you, and giving you a good way of life. So let him do it and do not walk out on him that is not right. Do not be selfish and think about him to and every man is not the same.

Apr 14, 2012
who can get their needs met through a cell phone NEW
by: Anonymous

read all the posts on this site. You see what they go through. It's a life spent walking through most of it on your own. If you can deny your needs for companionship and intimacy, considering yourself married to a cell phone, and raising your son for the most part, as a single parent, stay with the man. Loneliness wears on a person eventually. I'm married to one, I know what I'm talking about. You want to go through the rest of your life like this, you'll be crying the blues like the rest of us do. It sounds like he's determined to go out on the road, so it's your call. I wouldn't tie myself down to someone whose hardly ever around, because you'll be miserable. Trust me on this! talking on the cell phone for the most part will never be enough!

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