Student,recent graduate April 30 2015

Hi,I am a recent graduate of trucking school.I am seeking a OTR job as a student driver.I am 43 with a lot of solid years of work left in me yet.

My criminal record is as follows... 1995,misdemeanor dui.misdemeanor domestic assault 2003.2007,2008,misdemeanors of indecent exposure.2010 indecent exposure,gross misdemeanor. I served 7 months in the Dakota County jail for the indecent exposure charges,I worked in the laundry room to get time knocked off my sentence.

While in jail I took advantage of several self improvement programs. Social Ettiquete,Domestic abuse prevention,Relapse prevention,A parenting program,Anger management,And Employment Readiness where I was able to update my resume.

Upon my release February,2015 I signed up for trucking school and graduated April 30th 2015,I have a Enhanced Class A CDL with a Tanker endorsement.I am ready to roll.

I have an awesome work ethic and very reliable person with a positive attitude,Safety minded, and flexible.

I have made poor choices in the past,and that's just it... In the PAST. I attended a 160 hour program at Interstate Truck Driving School in
South Saint Paul,MN.To top it all off My girlfriend waited for me to be released from the correctional facility and we are living a very happy life together.

The only thing I need is a chance to prove myself as a changed man but more importantly a dependable Driver.If you are willing to take a chance on a sure bet, then I think you will be glad you hired me.

Thanks for listening, To Hire 651-925-7743 Dan

Comments for Student,recent graduate April 30 2015

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May 17, 2015
best of luck
by: Anonymous

Give celadon a call or visit there website. celadon got things right going for them. I'm going through there refresher program the quality drivers driving school. They feed u all 3 meals a day.

If dorm rooms are full, they put u up in hotel and restraunts in walking distance. And if need go to Wal-Mart..they will take to there on a specific day and time.

May 17, 2015
Making Changes in Life
by: Hervy

Dan congratulations buddy. Looks like you made the best of the time you were pinned down. Smart choices to take those self improvement classes and I am sure also eye opening to a great extent.

A lot of the content in those types of programs should be taught in elementary school and then again in middle school so we are exposed to them at an earlier age. It is rich info for the mind.

Wishing you the best of luck in your journey. I am sure you are aware that people will allow your past to influence their decisions in many cases however, if you just keep on track in the direction you are going, it will lead to an open door and ultimately a version of what you desire.

Don't discount what you learned on your journey as minor. I don't know how you feel about interacting with people or helping other make positive changes......

If that is something that interests you, while you are trying to get trucking jobs, see if there is opportunity for you to tell your story of changing the way you think and look at life to local organizations.

A youth, male, inmate or domestic violence organization (or some other organization surrounding an issue that you are passionate about)might be happy to have you come in and speak to the group about moving forward in life with a goal (or purpose) in mind and making choices to help them move toward the future they want for themselves.

You could even try to influence them to take similar classes that you took if you find them beneficial. As I think about it, if those classes were taught by a third party, they might allow you to speak for them as a testimonial about how beneficial the material you learned was. They could use that for promotion or just a story about what they do.

That will continue to put positives entries on your resume which show a positive change from the old you to the new you and also provide opportunity to earn revenue if you doing that becomes popular and as it begins to have a positive effect on the lives of the people that you speak to.

Anyway, just wanted to share those thoughts with you.

Keep the faith.

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