Student / company driver looking for a chance to drive

by Gabriel Nigel
(Sierra vista, Arizona )

I'm a student/ company driver with 2 months Otr 14,000 miles close to 30 states I drove a dry van and a reefer unit.

So here the thing I went with the wrong company ( C. R England )and they ( to put it nicely ) jack me over, so now I have a CDL with only 2 months experience , I try all the trucking company but they want 6 months - 1 year Otr .

I'm looking for any one , any one that will be willing to give me a chance I been out of the truck for 1 year now but I have a clean DMV record both in a truck and in mg own personal car. I have a tanker endosement I just need someone that be willing to take me under their wing and give me chance.

This what I want to do my wife is 100% behind me I'm doing this for my family. The money I make as a driver will help my family out so much. So yes, I be willing to stay out on the road for months at a time .

So please if any one be willing to help me here is my e mail my name is Gabriel Nigel I'm ex army so you know my word is good when I say that if anyone give me a chance ill drive for them for as long as they need me to and ill never walk away and leave them high and dry.

I just asking for a chance that wasn't given to me
Thank you for reading this ill leave my phone as well so if you want to give me a chance you can also text me 520-508-6951
Tucson Arizona truck driving jobs

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Sep 20, 2013
Prime Inc
by: Bill Brown

Hello Gabriel, Try Prime Inc. They gave me a chance after have been with CR England.

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