Sorry man

by sdsdss

Dude you got too many links on your sidebar. I'm just saying. It looks good and all with the red on beige and all that shit going on, but there's too damn many of em. So many.

I respect the website that you've built, I could never do it. But I can offer some constructive feedback.

Response: lol, Yeah I agree, I am brainstorming as we speak on doing something about that. I appreciate you letting me know. Many people feel the same way but rather not offend. It's speak highly of both types just in different ways.

Good for me though, it's hard to get offended.

I don't know how many will get eliminated but count them today and by the end of this week. Today is July 25th 2012. There will be 5 less.

That is my actions step. Eliminate 5 tabs from the sidebar.

Now, I encourage everyone reading this to do 5 things minimum this week that can be seen as a positive move. It came be small or large.

5 positive moves or changes or acts of kindess.

You too ffddgff. Peace

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Jul 25, 2012
by: NickV

Dont you cuss on this here radio

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