Owner operator with Werner

by william fugate

I'm a owner operator buying my truck thru Werner.the first 6 months was OK but this last year and a half has been pretty bad.i don't get enough miles to make my household bills and the up keep on my truck and truck payments.

i have had numerous fleet managers they start out the same don't know or care about what their doing and when they start doing better they move them to another position in the company.

i have talked to drivers relations so many times they know my # by heart. they have helped me none what so ever.

I would not recommend Werner to anyone!

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Aug 05, 2015
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by: Rob

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May 05, 2015
hey NEW
by: Anonymous

I did the same thing over there...
Left tried 2 other big company lease purchase only to be disappointed by the scam artists called recruiters.
When ur ready to make $2-3 k per week after expenses let me know and ill tell you about the COMPANY I drive for that I can prove via bank deposits and or the settlements that i receive every week...no bs here and i dont get a dime telling u about this.

Apr 25, 2015
Sorry about the bad Luck NEW
by: Bob


Sorry about the bad luck. Unfortunately, that seems to be the trend now with certain companies. Even with guys who want to work, they are shying away from the guys who know the ropes. To be honest, you probably need to look for professional help instead of going straight to a company. I normally don't push my company right on a site but, but may want to look at what we do. We have a large amount of deals set in place with guaranteed milages and home times for our drivers we place. They also know we can yank that driver quick if they get unhappy because we have a lot of companies begging so they treat our guys right. Check out our site, we have been doing it for over 50 years.


Apr 18, 2015
hey NEW
by: Anonymous

Speak to Della Sanders,she is over driver relations. I went thru the same thing while i was there....i gave them the truck back, they gave mea 1099 on the truck at the end of the yeat cuz they sold it for less than what i owed.

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