new truck driver wife

by kayla

First off I want to say how great it was to find this website. :)

My husband left today for training. He will be gone 3-6 weeks. He will then be able to come home on the weekends. Im not sure what to expect. I know i feel very empty right now with him being gone.

Im use to him being here every night cooking supper together going to church and basically spending as much time together as possible.

I just keep reminding myself that things could always be worse. He is doing this to keep our family stability.

No matter how hard you try the pain of missing him is still right there. Any advice or anything that can help for the days to come?

God bless!

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Dec 15, 2012
Support! NEW
by: Anonymous

There is a website called in the search bar type in truckers wives and there you can post about anything and the women there are REALLY supportive, you just have to take the initiative. I am a new truckers wife and you can find me on facebook email me @ I am always willing to listen/ talk!

Wishing you the best!

Nov 26, 2012
Progress? NEW
by: Malia

So it's been a couple months since you posted this page. Has it gotten better.

Sep 11, 2012
I know how u feel NEW
by: Amber

My fiance started for a company recently he's now doing his training and I'm barely getting any phone calls from him I worry myself to death abt it and I don't have much to keep me busy I'm looking for ssome friends that are going through the same so if you ever want to talk my facebook is

Aug 26, 2012
A lil advice NEW
by: Anonymous

Mine just finished training, his days were long and contact minimal, shorter answers than normal, and hardly any phone calls. Keep busy, and if you have kids old enough to miss him keep them busy as you can. Eat ice cream for supper if you need to. Eve if he can't answer you let him know your thinking of him, and ask for his opnion on things, that made my man feel like he was important back home even tho he wasn't here. Don't be afraid to cry, and don't be afraid of telling him you did because you miss him, he misses you too and don't be hesitant about venting (here,to friends, whatever works) if you don't it'll make it worse(I tried and became cranky with my kids, that's when we had a heart to heart and things got so much better)

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