New owner operator in desperate for advice!

by Newbie o/o

Just leased on to my company as o/o. At first i was a company driver driving 3300 miles a week getting paid pennies...about 800 a week before taxes health etc.

So upon learning that o/o makes 70% of the load and speaking to a few,i got my own truck great on the road. Took my company 6 days to install a qualcomm finally get in my truck and on my second load my qualcomm starts cutting in and out so no gps sometimes and i had to alternate from qualcomm to gps.

I took a route on a known trucking route in the mountains vary narrow road and it had a serious v shaped curve. My tire hit the edge of the road which crumbled and my tandem started to slide down the mountain i tried to force my way out but it started to pull me side ways into a roll so since it was already trying to roll i jacked it slightly to put the weight on my drive tires and pulled the breaks.

This worked and kept my trailer from spinning out but my load started to shift. i called the police and alerted them to a tractor stuck on the side of the road not saying it was mine or anything just a heads up for traffic then called my company break down and accident hot lines.

When the cops got there they were all for waiting for my companys people but the the load moved and stated crunching down on the guard rail so they called a tow truck and they sat me back on the road no damage to truck or trailer just needed three new tires. 1 drive because the trailer shaved it and two tandems from sliding back on the road.

Now this is where it gets really messed up... the tow truck driver charged my company close to $8,000 dollars and my company took days to pay not talking to me or letting me know what was going on and then the next day i sent in 3 trips totaling 3000 and it was not reflected in my pay and they infact put everything i am to make on hold without talking to me or even allowing gas to be paid so im in dept by 800 on my pay stub.

I can understand if i have to pay a percentage or even half but should i be told about that given an invoice etc?

Keep calling everyone who has a hand in it but they never answer or reply back. What should i do about this. How much of this am i responsible for? Never had any other accidents not even in my personal vehicle.

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Jul 19, 2016
Liability Insurance

I don't understand why this is not charged to the liability insurance. You are leased correct? You have bob-tail and physical damage. They have full liability and cargo correct?

So, this is what they should have done, contacted the insurance and file a claim, collect the deductible from you and pay the insurance.
The insurance should pay for all damages, and cargo.

My personal opinion is that, they did that... they pay the deductible but are trying to make money on you.
Read your contract, sign up with OOIDA, call OOIDA and find the nearest lawyer and have him/her take a look into your contract. Follow your lawyer advise.

Jun 18, 2016
After thinking this through
by: Anonymous

With my company as an owner operator.
If I am pulling their load their insurance covers everything.
If I am bobtail it's my insurance.
They should cover everything I am thinking.. might get by without fixing your truck.

Get a truck GPS, usually if a road is not truck accessible especially in mountains and curvy roads THEY USUALLY have signs stating this fact.

What I don't understand is you said it was a known truck route, then mentioned a sudden V curve...
Makes no sense

Jun 17, 2016
Wish I had the magic bullet
by: Hervy

Man I hate to hear about your incident. Sounds like it could have gone worse though. Good job keep her on the mountain.

I wish a had specific good advice for you. Best I can tell you is speak to a lawyer to get accurate answers on how much you are liable for.

I am leaning toward it might be on you though. But I am not sure.

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