New driver with little experience from Lavoina Ga seeking a trucking job to prove himself

by Beth Autry
(Lavonia , GA , 30553)


My name is Beth Autry I am posting this to see if anyone out there is willing to give my Boyfriend Richard Walden Jr a second chance driving.

He does have 2 preventable accidents on his record but the second one could have been totally prevented if the company he was working for at the time had put what you call a K 10 mirror on the passenger side of the truck like he asked them too after the first on.

He was not given a ticket on the second one. He has applied but most are saying 6 mos to a year clean driving . He got them both in the same year, one in October and the other in December. I am wanting to know how can he get 6 mos or a year clean driving if no one will give him a chance.

You can email be at if you have any info . If you are a trucking company willing to give him a chance you can reach him at 706-424-4161.

And I would like to thank you all for any help or info that you can give in advance.

Thanks Again,

Beth Autry

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