my jake brake a cruise control went out at the same time

by kricket1229
(anniston al)

my Jake and cruise control both went out on my 1997 freightliner can any one tell me what the problem might be

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May 11, 2010
by: NickV

Well a couple days ago I was trying to find a comfortable position while in the middle of a 11 hour shift. I raised my left foot and went to put it up on the console searching for anything to make my back feel better. Stupid me pushed the shutdown override button and shut everything down you could think of. Gauges all went to 0 and I was doin 65mph at the time. After calming myself down a little I put the truck in neutral turned off my cruise and jake and turned the key off and then back on. Engine fired and I went back into 9th and thought nothing of it til I got back up to speed and tried to set my cruise. Wouldnt work. Sent in a message to maintenence and of course they freaked out so I just ignored them. Pulled over at a truck stop and shut the truck down long enough to use the restroom and get a drink. Came back out, fired it up, got to speed and it was fine. Im sure this isnt your case since your on a computer and I am sure you have shut your rig down a couple times but this is for others who may have been in the same position. I think it may have something to do with reseting the computer. May ask a mechanic to hook it up to a diagnostic computer and maybe have the computer reset on it. I know this probably wasnt to much help but just throwin my two cents in. Hope you figure it out cause driving without those key necessities really sucks.

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