My husband spends $1000 a month

by Linda

My husband is spending $1000 a month, while I am sleeping on a mattress on the floor. He gives me an allowance and puts the rest in savings. Then he takes out loans for himself. I added it up i get 800 a month for myself and my two kids after bills. He is spending 1000 a month.

He has jokingly called me names lately and belittled me. We had a good relationship in the past but recently i feel like i cant trust him. Randomly he will call me sexy but thats the most affection I get. I stay home with the kids all day and i feel like he doesnt care about me anymore. Or the promises he made to make our house a home with furniture and curtains. Its bare and he only recently let me rent to own a new couch.

I was without a car for over a year because he cant save money. He then blames it on me. Be says I spend too much money. But he always has about 300 to 500 in loans taken out when the paycheck comes and im left with 200 to buy food and everything for the house.

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May 06, 2017
Is that a serious comment? NEW
by: Anonymous

I feel that was an insensitive and crass response to a very valid concern. The poster is the wife of a trucker. I am also the wife of a trucker. Truckers do not have to eat three squares plus snacks at truck stops or gas stations. That's what coolers are for. There is no reason a single man should spend over $1000 a month on his belly. There's plenty of food that can be put into coolers. Sandwiches, salad, fruit, and other drygoods can make up a very healthy diet for a trucker, and not be as expensive. Also she mentioned her bare circumstances while he's out procuring loans. They have children. It was a valid post and they were valid concerns. There's no reason any trucker "has to" spend that much money on food on the road. Speaking from someone who's been on the road myself. I am physically fit and so is my trucker husband. Why? Because he makes the healthy choice not to eat greasy fast food and at diners all the time. It's a waste of money and it's bad for your health. Just because he's out on the road doesn't mean he gets $1000 a month and she gets 200 for herself and her children. Is there any valid excuse to not take care of your wife and kids? And before you ask- yes I have a full time job and contribute as much money as he does and I have raised our children on top of that. ----Rimshot!!!

Mar 24, 2017
Well NEW
by: Anonymous

I spent 250 to 300 a week just to eat.

Truck stops are expensive, he is getting by with only 1000 a month ?

Do you have a job?

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