multiple felonies = life sentence?

by James
(Minneapolis, MN)

I had a very bad year in 1993. I lost my job, my pregnant girlfriend gave me the boot, and I was homeless and unemployed at the age of 18.

I made some bad choices and ended up with multiple felony charges and a boat load of misdemeanors. Being poor I obviously couldn't afford an attorney and got a court appointed attorney who advised me to take a terrible, terrible plea deal that left me with 4 felonies for theft and forgery.

Not understanding how adversely these felonies would affect me, I took the deal. Now 20 years later I am still being judged by those few moments of my life. I couldn't even get a job at a soybean processing plant because of it!

What was I going to do? Steal a rail car full of soybeans somehow? Yet most if not all of the hedge fund managers, corporate bankers and other con artists on Wall Street who caused the collapse of a nations economy are still working in these cushy high paying jobs making millions every year, but they don't want me to deliver the goods to the store for them to purchase because I was homeless, freezing and starving and made a couple of bad decisions to keep myself alive 20 years ago?

Funny how that works. All I ask for is a chance to make a living for a change instead of surviving.

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Jan 29, 2014
listen to your heart NEW
by: Anonymous

I made bad choices all my life spent 40 years of my life in and out of prisons, jails, institutions. 5 time loser 3 state prison numbers, and federal number. I currently hold down 2 jobs one at the Home Depot and Michael's Arts and Crafts....Might not be the best jobs in the world but I am working! Not minimum wage either! I have only been out of prison for 7 years now and have worked since 4 months after leaving prison. There are employers out there who will hire felons. The employer gets a kick back on taxes for this very reason. So pull up your pants hit the pavement and you too will have a job and at this point it shouldn't matter what kind of job it is...

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