Looking for second chance as a driver

by David Shore
(South Bend Indiana)

In 2009, I was convicted of a class c felony child molestation. I assisted my mentally handicapped daughter with her bath when she was eight yrs old. At the time I felt I was doing the right thing, and assisting my mentally handicapped daughter with her bathing. I was sentenced to six years in prison in Indiana.

In 2012, I was plead guilty to a failure to register in Illinois, and received a 2 yr sentence.
On July 26, 2015, I completed my sentence in Indiana.

I am not proud of this, and have never been in trouble of this nature before.

I have worked as a truck driver, first with my father from 1988 to 1990. Then again as a solo truck driver from January of 1999 to July of 2008, when I was charged.

I am a veteran of the U.S.Army (1987).

I am the son of a truck driver, and have truck drivers on both sides of my family.

What I bring to any company is this.
I am a 2010 graduate of a reformative program called P.L.U.S. (Purposeful Living Units Served).
I was also a participant of a veterans program at the New Castle Correctional Facility in New Castle, Indiana.
I successfully completed the following classes:
1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
2. The 8th Habit
3. Who Moved my cheese.

I have also taught a CDL class that I organized while in the P.L.U.S. Program.

I was convicted of a sex offense but am NOT a sex offender!

I am asking for a second chance to be what I was trained for: a truckdriver. This is a career that my family knows about.

My past is not who I am. I can be a great asset to any company if given the chance.

There is a $2400 tax credit for hiring a felon, and a $9600 tax credit for hiring a veteran.
I am bondable up to $5000.

Everyone who has a felony needs a second chance to be a productive person in society. All I am asking is to be able to give back.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work at a profession that I loved before and that I have missed.

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Feb 07, 2019
dude NEW
by: Anonymous

Man you got out there with that one..You should really fi nd you somethi ng else to do bro.Why place yourself into a situation to be rediculed later on. Maybe get a babysitting job or get a job at your local zoo or Chuckee Cheeze..

Nov 28, 2015
by: Anonymous

If you were wrongly accused, that's like being put into a prison for a crime you didn't commit.

Sounds like you have been paying the price for "something" for quite some time.

I'll tell you, most companies beat the "felonious past" thing to death. They go to great lengths to ensure that they do not hire a felon.


There are many small companies out there...

unfortunately, they are NOT compliant in many aspects and will put you at risk in many subtle ways.

You could probably get on, but sooner or later, someone finds something out, even if you disclose in total privacy..

and all that experience still does you no good when you find a better company to work for.

With that particular "crime" (whether you did it or not) a company is going to be worried more about their reputation than the type of financial liability they would be worried about with someone who had been convicted for grand theft or larceny.

Just... wow.

I really don't have much in the way of advice and I don't think anyone here really will either.

You are disclosing a lot of information about yourself... I'm not so sure that's such a good thing on a public internet forum, but that is definitely YOUR choice.

Good luck with everything.

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