Lisa Hainline

by Lisa Hainline
(Lansing, MI)

John & I, taken last month by my daughter Sam.

John & I, taken last month by my daughter Sam.

It's GREAT to read and hear about other wives as i'm so new to this! I lost so much in life, even my daughter's health to 5 diseases and my husband to his addiction(EX hubby) and then this man entered my life and i just "knew" from the moment i heard his voice, that this is my promised and 3 days later he gave me a ring! he's my soul mate and we got married 4 months later.

My home is in Michigan and his is in CA so we're trying to save money to move there, where i might be able to see him more often out of the home office where he drives a dedicated run for Walmart. As it is now i see him every 4-5 weeks for a few days...and it's near impossible. I feel as if i am a single mother who has an affair once a month!

life is short and i don't feel as if ANY of us have tomorrow, maybe from having to fight to keep my daughter alive and realize what's really important in life...but our faith is strong and we know the Lord has us right where we need to be.

my daughter is 16 and plans on going to photography school in CA so the move will help. She finished her 9th senior portrait commission and i am an artist, doing portraiture, commercial and corparate ID / Graphic design but work is slow here in Michigan.

it would be great to meet other wives who know what i'm going through...i still have not wrapped my head around the way we're living and i fear for days like if the car should break down or a special 'hubby need' as is struggle with my health AND since we've lost most of our friends here due to the divorce. in GOD'S the throne!

bless you all!

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Dec 24, 2009
Come on In
by: Hervy

Hello Lisa,

Glad you found your way here. I am sure you will find a place to relax and gain perspective on being a trucker's wife.

The ladies are real cool and supportive and I think you make great friends to bond with who know exactly what your going through.

I hope things will get better for yous guys, seems to be a lot going on at once. But keep your head up and eyes open for the purpose of it all.

Tell your daughter I am jealous. I have been procrastinating about take photography for years now! Lol

Oh, and congratulations on the marriage! Hope it all goes well.

Talk to ya later,

Well, I must

Dec 07, 2009
Welcome Lisa!!
by: Jennifer S

Hi Lisa,

Nice to hear someone being positive despite the hurdles in life! I know exactly where you are! I would love to have you join us on our face book site. If you are new to this, you will find a wealth of information, as well as support on our site.

I started the facebook for women like us- all of us, the ones left to deal with life alone, and have either those 1 time a month, or week-end warriors that we love so much. Sometimes it is very nice to know that others share the same life style, and can be there for real time support!!


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