
by Kayla

Im 21 and ive been with my husband 5 years married 1 i have no kids, just a dog and my husband is on the road and has been for 3 long months he's trying to make it home next week i had to start school to keep my mind off the loneyness and try to keep myself besy but its hard most of the time i feel alone but i know im not i dont have anyone to talk to that knows what im going through! :(

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Sep 02, 2012
To "On the road" this is so incorrect!! NEW
by: Anonymous


I am seeing more and more drivers leaving and staying on the road longer and longer due to the economy, they are driving double loads etc... which takes more time and they make more money. There are truckers who drive in the snow states and get long lay overs and then by the time they are finished they are waiting for a load that takes them in a whole different direction than home. Most drivers who are home regularly each week are individuals who have long years in the industry and can pick and choose when and where they will be home because they have worked for the same companies. Then there are drivers who are owner/operators who pick their own jobs and hours. Drivers who are first starting out to don't have this privilege. What I am saying is that although you may see some who get home weekly, are far less than those who take 2,3,4 weeks to get home finally. So this makes you statement incorrect by far.

Sep 02, 2012
On the road NEW
by: Anonymous

If he's been on the road for three months it because he chose to be. Most drivers are home every weekend.

Sep 02, 2012
Your doing the right thing NEW
by: Anonymous

It's good for you to go back to school, this will help to fill in some of the time you have on your hands. There are many things you can do to keep busy as well. Look to your community, we are taught from a early age that we need to be around others. To find compatible friends close by. So maybe you can do some volunteer work at a local community center in a position of interest to you and like minded individuals. I am sure this will get the ball rolling as far as meeting people. Try your best to stay out of places that have seedy people. Like bars, clubs, singles groups, find people who are married like you so you have something in common with them. Invite them over for dinner when the time has it, once your husband is home for a rest. Wishing you the best!

God bless!
Helonwheels :)

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