Is being upfront about past drug use better than waiting on test results?

by Dwayne

marijuana was being used over a month ago. It has stopped and the desire is gone for it.
should we tell the school/job about this prior to testing?
we dont want to waste time for them or me.

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Aug 26, 2010
Up with hope, Down with dope
by: NickV

Once again, dont know how many times I have answered a question like this. If you are dirty, think your dirty, have a feeling your dirty, DO NOT sign up for anything until you are ABSOLUTLY POSITIVE you are clean. Your wasting your time. There is a absolute ZERO tolerance policy when it comes to drugs and getting/obtaining a CDL. This is a serious job and we dont need drug addicts driving these trucks around. If your clean, congrats on putting the stuff down. Now just stay away from it, clean up, drink alot of water, and I would even go as far as maybe getting a store bought drug test to make sure if you dont want to wait. But absolutly make sure you are clean before you test. It will follow you! Go on to any of these trucking websites and click on the application. Somewhere in that application it will ask have you ever failed a drug or alcohol test and at that point you would have to put yes. BAM theres a big strike against you. Now if I got two applications sitting next to each other and all the info was the exact same but one guy has never failed and one guy has, who you think Im gonna pick to put in my truck? Answers simple. Clean up and make sure. Weed will stay in your system for quite sometime considering what kind of smoker you were. If it was everyday, then I would wait two months just to make sure. This industry is serious about drugs and its about to get worse. Congrats for quiting and give it some time to get out and then go sign up for school or apply. You dont want to be stuck in the situation of taking a test and sweating about whether or not your gonna pass.

Aug 23, 2010
Is being upfront about past drug use better than waiting on test results Part 2?
by: Theodore

If you go to CDL school a postive result will bar u from the school you're trying to attend.

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