If i am in the sleeper while shipper loads and counts is the sleeper burth legal

by David
(Love Joy, Ga.)

Can I legally log sleeper berth if I am being unloaded or loaded at the shipper?

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Aug 25, 2018
lets think about this
by: Jimmy

Years ago, if the driver was "at the ready" so to speak, he was to log line 4 (on duty not driving). You are not relieved of duty while waiting to load or unload. You need to be ready to move the truck from the dock and sign the BOL, right ?

We would just log 15 min to load/unload and get on down the hwy.

However in this day and age, many drivers do log sleeper while in a dock. In reality, how often do you get audited with your log book or ELD now-a-days ?

DOT cops aren't stupid, they know damn well you can't show up to a consignee, check in, open trailer doors, get unloaded and pull out, close doors and move from the lot in 15 min.

If there was a legal issue at the dock, could you, in a court of law, prove you were in the sleeper while getting unloaded ? Jimmy

Aug 23, 2018
Of Course
by: The Crazy Trucker


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