I cant be the only one

by jody

Hi,my husband has been a truck driver for a year now. He is a trainer at the company he works for, he currently is training a female driver. He is over the road and only gets home once every month.

I'm having a very tough time dealing with him training her. Any advice?

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Oct 31, 2010
new otr with a female team driver
by: Amy

My husband has just started driving OTR. His driving partner is a woman. My trust is with him, I dont know her. You have to trust and believe in your man. The trust and belief you have in him at home has to be doubled. Yes you will have days/ nights when there is nothing you can think about but what might be happening in that truck. But you have to believe in your love. Because you know what, he is sitting in the truck thinking about what you might be doing at home all alone. I chose to belive in my man. And it doesnt hurt to have a "talk" with the woman. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, you choose. That was the gist of our talk. Don't mess with my man and you'll live a long and happy life with all your teeth and no broken bones. I'm just saying.

Oct 28, 2010
it all about respect
by: Tracy

I was a trainer for a large company, I am a female. I trained both men and woman. I really didnt like to train the woman. They have trouble understanding the importance of the job.
If your husband is a good trainer, she will understand him and he will respect you. Good luck. I do miss training, but I got married and we team together. (and no he was not one of my students) But I am still close some of the people I worked with, It really is all about respect.
God Bless

Oct 28, 2010
it all about respect
by: Tracy

I was a trainer for a large company, I am a female. I trained both men and woman. I really didnt like to train the woman. They have trouble understanding the importance of the job.
If your husband is a good trainer, she will understand him and he will respect you. Good luck. I do miss training, but I got married and we team together. (and no he was not one of my students) But I am still close some of the people I worked with, It really is all about respect.
God Bless

Oct 19, 2010
I cant be the only one
by: Dennis Shipman

I echo Jimmy's comments. Most women in trucking are either retirees looking for a 2nd career, or not much to look at anyway. Plus with a month training unless she is plum stupid, he ought to be ready to cut her umbillical cord anyway. 10-4?

Oct 18, 2010
by: Jimmy

Her husband is also worried about her being trained by your hubby. Teaming up male/female goes on in this business. I even met and married my 3rd wife while being teamed up. More than likely, the trainee with your hubby is fat and ugly AND happily married. Try to re-lax. Jimmy

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