How To Have a Relationship With a Trucker

by Jason
(San Antonio)

As I have gone through some of the horror stories on these boards, and some of the great stories, I have noticed one thing.

Very few of the stories are middle of the road, either they hate their spouse or they love them. So, I have seen many women on here ask about lot lizards.

My wife came out with me on the road for a 2 week trip. We were in Knoxville, TN, when she got her first glimpse of a lot lizard.

I really was shocked at her response, she said that all her worries were relieved. She knew for sure after seeing what they looked like, that there was no way I would ever touch one.

I had always told her that I would never even consider having sex with a lot lizard at no charge, much less pay for it.

Now, I know that there are drivers that go down that road, I have seen it. But, for every driver that asks one of these girls into his truck, there are 50 others that refuse.

So, rest assured ladies chances are you husband is laying alone in his bunk tonight just like every other night he has been away from you.

In fact he is probably thinking of you and missing you just as much as you miss him. He may be tough on the outside, but most of us men are just as mushy as you on the inside, whether we admit it or not.

As for you men out there, if your lady is questioning your fidelity, here is my advise for you. Talk to her! Let her know how you feel. Don't be ashamed to tell her you love her in the middle of that busy truck stop restaurant.

Send her love letters from the road. Nothing speaks more to a woman's heart. Take the time to write down a few words about how you feel. If you can't find the words, there are plenty of those little card stands that have some great cards that say some wonderful things about being apart from someone.

Send her flowers, or a fruit bouquet with chocolate covered strawberries(these work really well because most women are used to getting flowers, when you send something different, it means even more to them).

Send her the occasional post card. Women love to hear that you love them, but when you take the time to write down your feelings, that can go a long way.

When you come home surprise her with something. It can something as simple as a letter you wrote, or a little trinket you picked up at the truck stop.

Note: a blender or small kitchen appliance is NOT a good idea! One of the things I do for my wife is I send her to the local day spa.

We have 4 children, so my wife works very hard at home. I am sure your wife works just as hard while you are away. Just imagine your wife has to be: mother, father, friend, housekeeper, chef, taxi, psychologist, nurse, disciplinarian, and mediator (if you have more than 1 child).

All this is extremely hard work. So when you get home, take the kids and tell her you got them while she goes down to the day spa for a $40 massage and $50 manicure and pedicure. You don't have to do it every time, maybe once every couple of months. After all, you would spend $100 or more every couple of months making your truck look and feel pretty.

Why not do the same for your wife?

Now, I am not saying you need to do all of this, but some of it every once in a while will do wonders. Remember, "when momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" Hope this helps!

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Jul 07, 2012
Good Topic
by: Anonymous

Just for your information and this is not to make it hard for anyone but...... lot lizards today come in all different sizes, shapes, forms, even some are well educated.

There has been for some 13 years now that I have seen the turn around of a different type of lot lizard out there. I am noticing more and more that women are looking for men who are working period, in this era of economic hard times women are leaving their men that are not making money and turning them in for men who are working, it seems that truck drivers are very valued at this time as this type of job is not going anywhere soon.

I have seen these women at work. Looking normal enough sitting around a truck stop restaurant eating and making it a point to sit in outside patios alone, dressed nice so they can be noticed. And the scam begins as soon as the man talks to them.

The best thing to help a person to not worry about what their mate is doing in their spare time is to have total trust that they will not veer from their relationship.

People do not have to be truck drivers to cheat, cheaters come in every walk of life and the mate does not have to cheat on the road either, they can do this right under the nose! So my statement is that if this is a major worry for some then maybe something needs to be addressed within.

Myself I have way to many things to do in life then to sit around wondering when my mate will cheat, I feel if it is gonna happen I have no control over that, it is them who are cheating their selves..... and my happy life goes on! :)
They have to live with themselves......

Keeping it real

Jun 02, 2011
Thank you
by: Laura

Just wanted to thank you so much for your post... it does help to hear from other men that see what goes on routinely out there.... and does put my mind at ease... there is always that little nagging voice in the back of my head asking " What if...?" Even though I know in my heart that nothing is going on..I don't ever let him know about the nagging voice.. I keep it to myself, so this is good info to have.

Once again, thank you.

Jun 02, 2011
Jason says it all
by: Katrina

Jason's comments really say it all. Most truck drivers wouldn't be caught dead near a lot lizard and will tell you so. They know that even if they try to hide it, their wife will know. Having been on the road with my husband and also stayed at home alone, I can tell you that most wives don't have anything to worry about. Those husbands that do stray would do it no matter where they are.
Also, girls(or guys) when your mate does get home let him/her know how much you appreciate the things that they do. It is a challenge to be gone from home and they really do give up a lot for us. Just remember to love them and let them know that you do.

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