How do I know which company to start trucking school with?

by Rusty

I plan on starting a new career in trucking but I'm not getting much info from all the recruiters. Like they tell me I have to sign a contract to drive for the company for so long but they won't let me see it until I get to the school.

I've been around long enough to know you don't make a commitment to sign anything until you have read it.

What companies are the best for a new driver. All help is appreciated.

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Jun 26, 2014
Deciding on a trucking company to start with NEW
by: Hervy

Rusty, it can be overwhelming making a choice from the 1,000's of trucking companies.

To help you eliminate many of them here are some things to consider.

Find a trucking company that has a terminal near you. If not, find one that operates frequently using the highways near where you live.

When looking at company profiles or talking to representatives, ask what are their operating lanes.

If they don't mention nearby highways, ask how easy would it be to get you home living where you live.

(That of course depends on how important it is for you to be able to get home at least every 3 weeks.

For more details about choosing a trucking company to start with go here

Jun 23, 2014
Poor Rusty... NEW
by: Anonymous

Call 858 233 9718 today if you're serious about start in the trucking field.

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