Happy my husband is a trucker. I make it work.

by Kristie Musselman
(East Freedom, Pa.)

I am happy my husband is a trucker. I am very much in love with him and when he leaves I have a very clean house, no duty dishes which he dirtiest about all the dishes in one day. Throws his clothes on the floor.

I have total trust in him to know he isn't cheating . I know how to make it work and I appreciate everything he does to make our life comfortable.

Week One: don't miss him at all.

Week Two: missing him and can't wait to see him.

Week Three: miss him too much but being patient.

He knows how to take care of me financially and sexual lyrics so being a truckers wife is the life for me. Sucks you other women can't see it like that you would be a lot happier.

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Jun 22, 2017
Amen Sister! NEW
by: Anonymous

My trucker is my life, and supporting all of his needs either on the road or at home makes me happy. If you're going to be with a trucker, love all of him 100% of the time. He deals with enough stress without feeling inadequate at home.

Jun 14, 2016
I make it work too!!! NEW
by: Linda Boggs

I so agree with you. You have to be able to make it work. We do and even though I miss him terribly at times, I am always looking forward to his calls two times a day! Even over the phone he shows support for what I'm going through when he's not home.

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