Getting sick and tired

I have a conviction from 1974, when I was 19, for murder. I was released in 2010. I have tried to find a job of any kind over and over. I have tried to get training from cdl schools and been turned down.

I would love to get a job driving a truck. But cannot get hired. Life is getting old.

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Feb 04, 2015
sentence NEW
by: Anonymous

Your crime isn't considered 40 years old to potential employers. Since your sentence was terminated in 2012 (given you've completed any MSR) it's only been a couple years. Best of luck to you brother.

Nov 13, 2014
?? NEW
by: Anonymous

your crime is over 40 years old how are they able to see it? go to state dept of rehab.they can help.... you should be on ssi so you can have money to at least take care of yourself. go to gov. sites they hire ex cons in different types of jobs...domt hold your life up for just one type of job..keep out at shelters...yeah these jobs dont pay much but you can keep busy...go to church get help or suggestions from clergy...just saying

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