getting a job as a inexperienced diabetic

by Zach
(Tennessee )

I'm in the process of trying to find a new career for my health won't let me do my present one...I'm a 29yr old type 1 diabetic, is it worth me getting an exemption letter for CDL's and to continue pursuing a job in trucking or is it pretty hard to get a job with my condition and lack of experience?

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Feb 21, 2015
Diabetic NEW
by: Anonymous

I can bet a whole bunch that as a type one and on a 24/7 pump delivery system with a cgm, that your numbers are better controlled then most type 2.

That being said, get your medical card, and then your cdl , then
You can get a job!

Or start your own business and haul for brokers to start till you find a steady outbound customer.

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