GA - looking to drive again

by Rob Collins
(Perry, GA)

I've been a real estate appraiser since late 1999 but the past year has been pretty bad and I'm looking to get back into trucking, hopefully eventually on the oilfield, but I know things have changed a good bit since I was driving and I'd like to get some fresh instruction.

I drove a little in the Army in the early-mid 80s (5 ton/lowboy, aircraft recovery) and went through CDL school in 94. Trained and pulled for Boyd (flatbed) for 6 months and then got on with a local pipe manufacturer running mostly GA, FL, AL & MS (1 1/2 years).

Also did a short stint with a GF company running the eastern US, and then drove a straight vacuum truck for a few months while going through real estate school.

I've kept my CDL and just added back the doubles/triples and X endorsements. If there is anyone around the middle GA area that would be willing to put me on for a while to get some recent experience I'd sure appreciate it.

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Aug 09, 2012
work NEW
by: American trucker

Being out from behind wheel so long you need to take a 44 hour refresher course before a company will hire you.

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