Felon looking for help to get on the road to sucess

by Timothy G. Kenon
(Durham, North Carolina)

I am a 26 year old living in Durham, North Carolina

looking to go to trucking school, and get my CDL,and start a career in the trucking industry.

I will say I have 3 felonies on my criminal record which is holding me back from going to any trucking school.

My driving record is clean, its just my criminal record that's holding me back. I have also studied the CDL book while incarcerated. Is there someone out there who can train me,and get me a job in the trucking industry?

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Jul 26, 2010
Needs that second chance.
by: Jimmy

I applaud you looking to better yourself. One of my dreams has always been to work with guys like you who really want to better yourselves. I guess I feel that way because I messed up at a young age, but was able to better myself BEFORE I messed up even more. Keep trying, never give up, you can do it. Talk to Carolina Cargo in Rock Hill, S.C. (I think). They hire felons and may be able to help you. Jimmy (stay in touch)

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