Driver looking for team or solo truck driving job

by JlWalker
(Tulsa ok)

Drove Flatbed for Melton first time 18 months had to give it up my son was about 12 and was having problems at school and needed his dad around!

said, "dad when your here mom screams at you half the time and me half the time, when your gone she screams at me all the time and makes me stay in my room !!!"

I took a break and got a divorce went back to melton and drove for 2 years and safety said i looked like i had high blood pressure face red and sent me to work med it was high.

had to get out off truck to get it under control. been doing side jobs want to drive. told i need 6 months in last 2 years for companys to hire me its been 3-2007 since i drove. road masters i is charging me 6500 dollars for a refresher course. i really cant afford that!!

need a job for a while maybe team up and go for 3 months or so to get my recent experience back.


Call Jw at 918-five-five-1-9830

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