credit England charged me with abandoned vehicle

by David Johnson
(Medford, Oregon )

Went to VA for prescription refill. I was in non compliance with my dot physical without my meds. CR England fired me. Please I am still at the VA in Medford, Oregon trying to get another job. Thank you for your time.

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Nov 19, 2015
Best of luck
by: Anonymous

First of let me thank u for ur service. Secondly....To be a veteran and had to get meds to be dot compliant and they fire u and charge with abandament...u can pull ur dat through and get a copy for free and then contest it.

If they not want to remove, find a good trucker attorney to help u out...or better yet threat of a lawsuit since u are a Veteran and u are protected by law so CR England was in the wrong to fire u. On a side note go to and join or of get their number and call them up and explain on things..they can help u out.

While at join OOIDA..don't cost but 45$ a year. Lots of companies love to hire Veterns and are Veteran friendly and I'm sure OOIDA can also of tell you some the best top ones.

On a side note...CR England is a bunch of trash to where a lot of trucking schools will not recommend CR England or of let them come to their to recruit...the sage company is one of many they don't deal with CR England.

Also there is a company called Pride Transport owned by one of their family member who split away from England because of They way CR England were and still do treat drivers like shit.

Also CR England stays in trouble and in federal court a lot die to their wrong doing with some of those lawsuits brung onto them by OOIDA

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