courtesy and respect to others in the industry

by texas johnson
(granbury tx)

trucking is not like it used to be i remember when i started in 99 people still helped back then and we were still dominant in the mans world 0f trucking.

But now i ride with my husband and fixing to get out completely. no respect dirty places showers etc and something must be in the water lol.

I love trucking ministries and i enjoy it i pray to God everyday for what I do have and pray for men and women out there trying to make a living for their familys etc.

God bless u all be safe love in Christ Texas

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Mar 10, 2012
Courtesy and Respect
by: Hervy

Hey Johnson,

Thanks for sharing. You are right things change.
Truth is nothing is like it used to be. Take a look at society. What you see in the trucking industry is simply a representation of how people has evolved across the board.

However, there are plenty of people who feel as you do and hang on to that old school mindset of how they view life and interact with others.

A few things that we can do is make sure we raise our kids to also carry out our values and teach them the principles that we feel are important while also preparing them for the realities of the world. Although they should expect the most from others and be positive they can't must know what's out there.

The other thing we can do call attention as you do and providing alternatives. Sadly, some people simply don't know any better. They weren't taught any better.

If you will, help push this page and add contribution. Maybe the right people will see it and it will have some positive affect to bring about change.

Changing the face of the trucking industry

Take care,

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