Concerned About His Lying and Actions

by TheEarth

Ok, maybe I'm green about this. But I need help. My husband, who doesn't eat cucumbers...purchases 2 cucumbers and 1 3 pack of condoms EVERY time he goes on the road. Which is weekly!

The only reason I know is because he stops at a Walmart and uses our walmart+ account to make the purchases so I can see the receipts when I check online orders.

It's been about 2 years since I noticed this trend. I confronted him about it. He tells me the condoms are for a sex toy he takes with him on the road (why would he need a condom with his personal sex toy??) He jokingly said he gets cucumbers in case he buys a salad from a truck stop. Now I've been with him 8 years and NEVER has he eaten extra cucumbers on salad. And WHY wouldn't you just BUY a salad whilst at walmart???

I'm gonna say...I have a deep seated feeling of what he's doing with this. And it's really traumatizing to me considering the things he's been through in life. I love him but the lying and being dishonest to protect his own fetish is killing me in the process.

So truckers (and wives) what are your honest thoughts? Our lives hang in the balance and he thinks my kind heart will just cause me to overlook this like overlooked soooooo many other things.

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Feb 20, 2024
by: Anonymous

I am sorry that this is happening to you. Have you checked his driver settlement statement to see if there are any cash advances and/or bank statements to see if there are any uber or lyft transactions?

I know this is getting personal but if you check his Uber of Lyft account, it will show if he has been other places other than restaurants. Each transaction will give you the final destination.

I have worked in the Transportation industry for years and have friends and my spouse are truckers. I have heard stories from other truckers. There are lot lizzards and escorts that are trucker friendly. I pray God exposes everything to you.

God Bless You!

Sep 22, 2023
What was your response?
by: The Crazy Trucker

When he gave you those excuses, how did you respond. You mentioned you overlooked so many things in the past and you're right, if that's the case then of course, that's the program he's running.

You have to let him know that YOUR program has changed and if he don't update his, it's going to have unfavorable consequences.

I was also wondering if he's been doing that for that long, have you noticed a problem with your s e x life? Is it healthy?

In any case, I'd say you two should speak to a counselor about improving the relationship.

Especially since you spoke of past things he's been through. Don't know what that means but you seem to think it's relevant to this situation so there's probably a lot that yall need to discuss and get past.

And he needs to hear from that 3rd person outside of the relationship about what is healthy and harmful to the relationship. Because it's kind of tricky to all of a sudden protest things that you've let him get away with.

But we must also take into account, some things you are concerned about is speculations and assumptions.

I mean, you can't trust him with a cucumber?

And if he's home every week, why does he even need a toy? I don't see the point.

Hope yall can get to the bottom of things VERY soon.

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