Class a truck driver in Chicago with 7 yrs experience

by James billingsley
(Chicago, IL)

My name is Mr. James m billingsley and I have only 1 DUI that's 2 1/2 yrs old in my personal vehicle an I can't seem to find a job any where.

It's very sad that as a professional driver that's off duty, I can still be held responsible as if I where in the semi.

I love driving trucks but I feel that I will eventually have to give up my career simply because I took my baby sister to the motor city casino for her 40th birthday an had two beers and then enjoyed ourselves for the next 5 or 6 hrs. Did not touch another drink but upon leaving the casino it is routine for officers to pull drivers over simply because you are in fact leaving the casino and police knows that all casinos serve drinks it was a routine traffic stop. Wasn't swerving, or anything but I felt I was forced to blow into the breathalyzer because if I hadn't it would've been the same result having pass all sobriety test I blew a .09 an the real sad part is that the officer said if I would've been stopped maybe ten min. later, I would've been legal so because of this I now live in a shelter in Chicago, IL and cant find work that's not related to driving because I have no experience in any of those jobs cause I've been driving for 7 yrs so I can't drive nor can I work for a regular job cause its been to long so I'm almost about to give up cause there is nothing else for me to do .

If any one know any job that will hire me for a job my e mail is

Thx for reading.

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Nov 18, 2014
Mrbillz NEW
by: Anonymous

Well hello there thanks for the comment , you are right but now it has been three yrs and I'm still looking. Everyone makes mistakes but if you are a truck driver, you cannot make any mistakes at all YOU MUST BE PERFECT even though the vehicle is not. Very sad

Mar 31, 2014
dui NEW
by: Anonymous

stop blaming everything and everyone are an idiot

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