App to let driver swap, sell with each other at truck stops

by Trucker Mike
(Atlanta, GA, USA)

Driving a huge truck is no easy job. We are away from home for days and weeks at a time. And we have to put up with traffic and rude inspection officers at weigh stations.

We're too big to park just anywhere and truck stops know it. When we need to purchase an item, we are they charge us obnoxious price.

I have came up with an app that lets driver at truck stops, rest stops, or anywhere to buy, sell, and swap items with one another. And because our location is always changing, I've built an option to automatically update to our current location.

Give it a test drive and stop getting ripped off by truck stops.

App is free with no fees whatsoever and available for both iOS and Android. Just type keyword "RoadSwap".

You can learn more about the app at

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Sep 07, 2016
$14 for a shower....
by: hervy

I hear you Robert. I was just using that as an example. The point is, it is a business and they have to make a profit. I don't know what their water cost, i am sure I personally use more than .05 worth, lol.

But consider this and I am done with it (cause this is not to cause argument but to point out another perspective...), we can just disagree about capitalism...

We don't pay the wholesale cost of coffee beans when we buy coffee.

We don't pay the wholesale cost of cotton when we buy shirts

We don't even pay the wholesale cost of oil when we buy diesel

On the other hand we don't pay for parking or their taxes on property or their electrical bill directly either.

So their gross has to pay for all of those expenses to make it all work.

It is a business man. They can't give us everything for free or at cost.

I personally didn't have a problem paying for showers. That said, I rarely had to even pay for a shower because you just PLAN ahead and stop where you fuel at to shower. Didn't bother me to pay every now and then.

So, although, I am all for keeping the money in your pocket... I do as much as I can... (And advise it in my new driver tips...) I don't complain about the cost of things there. To me it's just a cost of the trucking life. I know it is a business and has to cover expenses.

(That said, as an owner operator, it is an expense that you write off..)

I am for capitalism and personal responsibility. We just have to be mindful of how we do the trucking lifestyle out here man.

Jul 21, 2016
Water ain't free
by: Robert

Hervy, you mentioned water, but we are paying them $14 for a shower to use 5 cent worth of water.

Love your idea Mike, right on!

Jul 20, 2016
You pay for convenience
by: Hervy

Well, I like the app idea Mike. I think it is a good idea!

And I know that a lot of truckers take your position. They call it ripped off too. I agree the prices are high.

However, I also understand business. They are a convenience store and you pay for that. It isn't free for them to pay taxes on all of that land where we park every night or the water that we use there for showers or the electricity for TV running 24/7 in most cases.

We drivers actually do have choices for most of the money that we spend there if planning is involved. So personal responsibility comes in to play with how much money we lose there in most cases.

Problem is most of us simply don't do that much planning when it is not written as part of instruction. Doesn't come to mind. But that is why I talk about it here
at New driver tips to help people think ahead.

Good luck on the app!

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