A man who made mistakes when he was younger but has thrived in the real world

by jamie ross ingram
(west lafayette,ohio,usa)

my name is Jamie Ross Ingram and I'm a ex felon who has struggled to become a man and a productive citizen of the great country of the usa. I have since been blessed with a baby boy and he has changed my life snd my drive to even do better.

i am looking to get hired on with a company that can respect me as a man and give me the chance to show them i'll become a very very good employee and also even a friend.

i'm very outgoing and helpful and have a heart of gold i've been through the tuff times in life and came out on top and now am looking to climb up that success ladder to even greater height's and hopefully with your company.

i'd like to take the time to thank you greatly and dearly for reading this and hope to hear from you soon

jamie ingram

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Aug 26, 2010
learning from mistakes
by: Hervy

Jamie, good to see you have learned from the past man. Especially since you have little man watching you now! :-)

Unfortunately we only provide advice, motivation, encouragement but not employment at this time.

Check out the companies mentioned on this page though. Ready Trucking, Carolina Cargo and others.

trucking jobs for felons

Wish you the best of luck man and keep us updated on the progress. Especially let us know what company gave you that second chance cause there are other who need that info too.

Thanks Jamie,

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