2/3 Married

by Calley

Let me start off by saying that my story is unique in every way imaginable. My husband and I married young, and divorced young. Between 1990 and 1993. We had 2 beautiful children out of a short crappy marriage.

He later married another woman with her own 2 kids and they were together about 12 yrs. Since then we remained friends. He had gone into a trucking job a few years before they split. He and I got back together (I know WOW!) And have been remarried now going on 4 yrs.

It's hard for me mostly, my kids are almost grown and we have no time to ourselves when he is home. Therefore our marriage is based on the cell phone.

I know he still talks to and texts his EX-wife A LOT and they talk about everything from all of the kids to whats going on with her and him. It really hurts me.

The other night he was home, we got into a blowup over her and he told me he felt like 1/3 of him should be there with her and her kids and 2/3 of him should be here with me and our kids. Talk about a gut ripping experience to hear that out of your husbands mouth.

I told him I deserved 100% or nothing. My point to this is if you know your man and know his heart is for you and the Lord, then it can be the fairytale marriage no matter how he makes a living, however if not, you will never be at peace.

Him being on the road away from me I know has kept their "friendship" alive. He calls it "friendship" I call it an "emotional affair".

God Bless all you Truckers and Wives, you truly keep America moving.

Thanks for letting me share..I told you it was "unique"

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Jun 25, 2010
by: American Trucker

Your right caly 100% or get out.I hope you an kids do well as for mister 1/3.I know a reefer box for him.You can read my profile here under American Trucker.I post alot in hopes to help.If you need more driver advice dont want everyone to see.send it americantrkr@yahoo.com

And 2/3 of America is a Trucker Driver.

Be Safe
American Trucker.

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