Minnesota driving schools will force new drivers to learn how to drive with trucks

by Hervy
(USA east side)

Only a fool would ride around a cluster of trucks, I don't do it in another big truck.  Forget about it

Only a fool would ride around a cluster of trucks, I don't do it in another big truck. Forget about it

I hope this spread across the country like wild flowers.

I never could understand why this wasn't being done, it seemed like common sense to me after being on the road for only a few months of driving trucks.

Now lets see how long the other states wake up and be proactive. We save everyone time, money, heartache, pain and suffering in the long run.

More awareness of each other's likely actions means less stupidity on the highway which should translate into less accidents, we will see.

I don't know why they think the truckers need to take a class about driving with four wheeler though, all of us have four wheelers and we already know what they go through.

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Oct 06, 2016
by: Anonymous


Dec 02, 2015
by: Anonymous

The topic of this post is Minnesota driving schools will force new drivers to learn how to drive with trucks. Driving is very important for all of us. And one who wants to get driving training so they can get from this school.
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Nov 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

Good information thanks for sharing nice post.

Nov 25, 2015
by: Anonymous


Oct 20, 2015
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Jun 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

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Jan 12, 2009
New Minnesota law to educate 4 wheelers
by: Jimmy

This is something I've often thought of.

I've thought, "Hey, if 4 wheelers were made aware of what trucks are capable of doing, would they drive like they do?" Let's face it, it comes down to ignorance.

Educate the public, and just maybe, there will be more understanding. Some years back, some state ran public announcements on t.v. to try to educate the motoring public re: trucks. I can't remember what state it was, but it was a good idea.

One time a trucker said to me that he didn't know if he was a "professional semi driver" or a "semi professional driver"

We truck drivers do it for a living. Big trucks, up and down the highway, into cities, all kinds of whether, 3000 miles a week. We need to set the example. Always professional, always courteous. Always safe. (ALMOST always legal!) Jimmy

Jan 12, 2009
This could be any State
by: Collin Barnette

This photo of one truck passing a line of others bunched up tight together could have been taken a few blocks from my house. The same bad habits and poor judgment some people practice in their cars, they take on the road with them in the trucks.
Right here on HWY 99 through the San Joaquin Vally traffic can be backed up for miles while a truck does this.

Of course most of you have no doubt heard of the multiple vehicle pile ups as a result of this kind of stunt in fog or other bad weather.
If a State forces drivers to go back to basics in an attempt to build and strengthen skills that will save lives and get our highways flowing a little better, more power to them.

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