working for bad company and then screwing you when you leave

by mike austin
(autryville nc)

i have been a trucker for 35 plus years and love it. but i worked for two different companies since i got out of the army in 2009.

the first company that i worked for was a lease program that caused me to loss everything that i owned, not paying me for everything that i did.

Well over 150,000 miles in 13 months. the second company, was driving for an owner operator, leased to a company that didn't pay at all.

They then put bad info on dac and can't seem to find work for me and the truck that i drive please help me please

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Nov 20, 2015
Greed NEW
by: Anonymous

Doctor Daniel Fish and Ericka Benson are thr two biggest crooks you will ever know. They don't care about anyone but themselves. Neither one of them are to ever be trusted ever! There was decent people running this operation in the beginning and Ericka and Dan ran them off and put the money in their own pockets.

Sep 23, 2013
team fbs company in andrews tx NEW
by: Anonymous

They are out of business

Aug 11, 2012
What goes around comes around! NEW
by: Someone that knows

That is way bad. I am sorry this has happened to you. Makes me sick to my stomach to know this is happening and there is nothing anyone can do about it. CROOKS ARE CROOKS IN MY OPINION and do not care about anything but what they can put in their own pockets. GREED will eventually catch up to them. It seems that good people that follow the rules are the ones that get stepped all over and the bad people get away with everything.

Jul 16, 2012
Drug Test NEW
by: Anonymous

Team FBS doesn't require drug tests.

Jun 05, 2012
working for a vacuum trucking company in andrews,tx for team fbs NEW
by: Anonymous

This company from the get go, they lie to you and they are still hiring drivers,they are broke and cannot even afford to pay there own drivers. ok! here it is a nut shell you can even work by the hour or ticket time which is well in good. If by chance you cant go out this week they have a guarantee 40 hrs which is 800.00 a week if you dont get enough ticket time for the week you only get your guarantee. And there advertisement with all kinds of work,that is a lie from the pits because i know for a fact they lost sandridge,pioneer,callan because you cannot hire rookies in the oil field without being fully trained in the profession and expect them to do a wonderful job. They have been black balled from these companys because of junky equipment and show up 15 hrs later because of commuication from the office and these company men on these locations are pisted because you should have been there, right now within the hour to deliver water to the pits and frac tanks when they needed it. some of these trucks take up to 45 mins to pull a load from a pit and the valves leak when you take the cap off and wet there location,this dont look good on the driver. The operation manager plays favorites it dont matter if your a hard worker or not and he treats people like they are beneath him.Here is my favorite quote "To be a great leader you have to be a great follower". And forget where you came from being a worker. I feel sorry for the debtors that are involved in this company because they owe alot of money to the companys that rendered there serives to them and didnt get paid. The lie i heard form the horses mouth was we were getting our fuel at sc fuels because it was cheaper. No! the reason is the owner owes a fuel bill of 47,000 to the fuel company and it got shut off.There might be a way to turn this company around it would to take the operation manager out this position and hire a profeesion in this field with at least 40 yrs old and knows how to treat drivers with respect and talk clear and give great directions and the immaturity ringtone is unprofessional this is what you expect from a young kid about 16 years of age.and what bad investment for a safety shop in seminole,tx she needs to pay these people she owes and get a mechanic to get these trucks in great running order and go to these companys and see what she can do to rectify the situation and get these companys again and to clear the name of team fbs. Its a joke now in the oil field when companys see this truck on there location. I am suprised that these trucks pass inspections because if they ever get a full blown dot inpection none of these trucks will pass. If you want to work for a company with junky equipment and they lie to you about work and if you want to sit around and get paid only 800.00 a week, and other companys are payin at least 1500.00 or more week and deal with this, this is the company for

Dec 30, 2011
bad company ! NEW
by: babydoll

Who was the company that did that to you!

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