Why do men get into trucking and can't support their family

by camille

Why do these men get into a field where they cannot support their wife and kids.

I have to have a part time job cause he does not make enough money. I do not appreciate this.

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Apr 29, 2019
Reply to why do men get into trucking and can’t support their family
by: Anonymous

My husband brings home enough for me to stay home but I choose to work full time so that if the truck breaks down or something goes wrong we have income other than his. He’s a owner operator and brings home great money every week. It took him 3 company changes to get where he is now and a lot of struggling.

Dec 11, 2018
Only part time work
by: Anonymous

It depends on where you live as to whether or not you can make enough in any line of work for only 1 person to work.

As a company driver there was no way for my husband to make enough to both pay the home bills and live on the road.

I worked full time plus until he became an owner operater and in a lot of places both have to work to live unless one of them is making over $100,000 A year.

Good luck with that.

Aug 10, 2018
They're right
by: Anonymous

Complacency will sink you. Not sure of his longevity or CSA, but mines been driving a little over 3 yrs, has a clean CSA, and grosses $1700/wk.

Took 3 company changes to get there

Aug 09, 2018
He's not doing something right
by: Hervy

He needs to change companies or take it another level. A lot of drivers will stay at the same company waiting for things to change.

After a year of experience with a good record he can find a company that pays more.

Apr 20, 2018
Why do men get into trucking when they can support their wife and kids doing it
by: Dennis

The only reason is your husband is either in-experienced, or has blemishes (making him a liability and risk). On average he should be pulling down between $800 to $1,000/week driving locally. With experience and a clean class A CDL slightly more. I cannot get into the other aspects of your concerns.

All I can do as a professional trucker is speak to what the industry, which has a dearth of experienced drivers, actually pays. As an owner-operator I grossed $3,000 last week before my truck decided to act up.

Apr 20, 2018
by: Anonymous

I make north of 1k a week, bring home 1k every week.

part time working huh? hang around here long enough i see plenty work full time.

sounds like you have it pretty good sweetheart.
ever heard of womens lib sweetie embrace the suck!!!!!
women have fought for your right to work sweetheart!!!!! lmao

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