Who will hire me

by Lori Coen
(Blytheville Arkansas.USA)

Right now I am in between driving jobs I was driving for a company out of Elk Grove Village in Illinois.

They were running illegal paper logs and chop shops and I just couldn't drive for them anymore so I ended up being stranded down here in Blytheville Arkansas.

I trusted somebody they stole my U-Haul they stole everything I had left to my name for my socks to my pants and they killed my cat that I rescued in Western Express Nashville Tennessee.

I just recovered the U-Haul the other night and I gotten pulled over well the person that stole my U-Haul had left a little surprise for me and the cat I didn't know about needless to say the police found it and in it was paraphernalia.

And of course the U-Haul was mine and I was driving I got the ticket for possession of paraphernalia and I went to jail for 7 days.

Now my question is what company will hire me this happened maybe 2 weeks ago. Please just got to be some company that will hire me I have never had a drug charge before in my entire life and I am 53 years old.


Please there has to be a trucking company that will hire me

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Sep 10, 2017
by: Anonymous

TransAm doesn't seem to ask many questions. They're a second chance company.

Sep 10, 2017
Temp sevices
by: Anonymous

Apply with temp services that hire cdl drivers. I wouldn't say anything about anything.
Also try Carolina Cargo and North American Midway Entertainment.

Sep 09, 2017
fight the charge
by: Hervy

If you reported the U-Haul stolen, you might want to consider fighting the charge.

I can't give you a name of a company that would hire you with that just happening.

Don't know one right off.

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