Who are the best trucking companies to work for?


I just finished my truck driving school course and received my class a with all endorsements plus haz mat.

Can you please give me some advice on which companies should I apply with. I have a excellent driving record and clean criminal record.I just need some direction on who to apply for employment with and also want to apply with a good company.

Thanks alot

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Jan 04, 2010
Thank you Jo D & Jimmy

Thank you for Your advice Jo D & Jimmy,And all your input I appreciate it very much.

Best Regards =)
David R

Jan 04, 2010
Being New To the Game
by: Jo D

Hey David,

Don't know if you are a family man or not. But check into Landstar, they have over-the-road owner operators as well as company drivers. Don't know if they are hiring but they were recommended to my husband by the former vice president. We have only been with them for 4 months, i can't say we have made any money but then again we are just starting and we are buying our own truck, so in 2 months the truck was in the shop 3 times, we that is where our money has gone. Just give them a look on line at www.landstar.com "Just a note if you are a family man really try to get something local, having a husband is really hard, not only on your wife but your kids also. They will continue to grow-up even though you are not there. Believe me. Just think it over and talk to your wife in depth. Wishing you and yours the best of luck.

Jan 04, 2010
David is looking.
by: Jimmy

Hey David, this is the fun part, trying to find a company (that will hire you). Where is Armona? Never mind, just noticed it is next to Hanford. Start with Knight Transportation, they have a terminal in Tulare right off 99. Next, try May Trucking, Salem, Or., TWT, Spokane, Wa., Hendrickson, Sacramento, Ca. These are suggestions only, and they run I-5/99 a lot, which is good if you want to get home easily. Put on your best face when applying and observe other companies that run up and down the big road in your area. Jimmy

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