Ticket for talking on the phone while driving the 18 wheeler

by Toni
(Beaumont, Texas)

Have anyone ever received a ticket for talking on the phone while driving your 18 wheeler? If so, did you keep it from going on your record?

If so, what steps did you take to keep it off your driving record?

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Jan 13, 2016
Why would any trucker even consider being on the phone
by: Anonymous

After your 1300 dollar fine and the trucking authority fine of 12000 yes that is 12 thousand dollars.

So your authority? Its 12000 dollars, if your a company driver your company gets a 12000 dollar fine.

It will go on your DAC report even if you are Able to get off your driving record.

I don't know why ANY trucker would even consider BEING ON THE PHONE WHILE DRIVING. Its well known how harsh the fines ARE.

If you are a company driver it may haunt you for years. Good luck and stay safe on those roads with your phone down.

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