Swift trucking and medication question

by Jess

I take hormones twice a day. Without them I go through some seriously bad withdrawals. I've been watching YouTube videos, and reading up a lot this past week on whether or not trucking is right for me.

Would swift allow me a day that I can schedule a month in advance to see a doctor. Also how would I go about refilling a subscription considering I won't know where I'll be and when.

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Jun 05, 2015
Scheduling time off with Swift
by: Hervy

Jess from my experience Swift would allow you to schedule a day at least a month in advance as would most companies. It's when people wait until the last minute that it becomes a challenge.

You would just need to make sure and remind them a week prior to the appointment. Making sure to let them know how important it is. This might mean you getting home early which means more time than you wanted off in order to make sure that you make your appointment.

Having said that, it is up to the driver manager to make these things happen. A good relationship between you and a GOOD driver manager would work well. The horror stories with time off usually come from having a bad driver manager relationship and/or bad attitude from him and sometimes also the driver.

You can refill prescriptions by phone these days. All you would need to do theoretically is call it in early enough so that it is filled and mailed to your home or post office box by the time that you get home before you run out.

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