Spare shoes in winter

by Devinder gill
(Brampton, ontario, canada)

In winter when there is snow fall . We all know that we have to come down from the truck and walk on snow. When we come back to our truck and want to drive truck then we feel that our shoes are full of snow and they become soaked and wet, so taking an extra pair of shoes with you is good for your driving.

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May 29, 2013
or year-round NEW
by: Anonymous

A spare set of shoes is helpful year-round. You also never know when you are going to get into a muddy mess or a parking lot full of puddles in a driving rain. In addition to 2 pairs of shoes, my husband also carries along a pair of hard sole slippers. They are very comfortable on those days when you are driving for hours, and if the weather is cooperative, they are okay for a brief jaunt to a restroom because of the hard soles.

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