Robert Dempsey Greenville/Piedmont sc

by Robert Dempsey
(Greenville/Piedmont sc)

35 years exp clean 10 year MVR no drugs or alcohol or smoking just want to slow down and enjoy time off

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Nov 02, 2015
should be easy then... NEW
by: Anonymous

I have 35 years experience, clean MVR, no drugs, alcohol EVER and am endorsed for EVERYTHING plus TWIC and TSA and PASSPORT...

Sometimes I just apply to see what's up (even though I'm working I'm always looking for that greener grass)

These companies are so predictable. I can get hired by anyone and set all of my parameters.

It's actually very cool.

A clean MVR, no drugs or alcohol nowadays is pretty darn hard to come by.. not to mention the fact that the U.S. is nearly 250,000 drivers short right now ("qualified") drivers)

Have fun. Find a part-time job, work for an O.O who is getting close to retirement, or just work for a company that will welcome a good driver and give him what he wants.

Trucking companies always make room for good drivers, even if they arent hiring at the time... and truly, today, EVERY trucking company that has more than just a few trucks is hiring.

The turnover rates are incredible.

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