reinstate C D L at 64 after being away for 8 yrs

by Edwin M Billiot SR
(Thibodaux La )

I'm 64 years old, all of my Adult life I have been a truck driver, 48 foot flatbed, dry and liquid tanker, drop & hook 48 foot box cars, but 8 years ago I decided to go into the Construction Business when my CDL expire I took out a chauffer license, due the Economy my Business is slow.

My question to you how can I get my CDL reinstated. I have a good Driving record,

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Aug 09, 2016
a lot of big companies NEW
by: Anonymous

have refresher courses.

They almost have to anymore with the huge turnovers and just a plain lack of qualified and experience drivers out there

The insurance carriers want to see your three LAST current years for a job

You could be able to back up a set of doubles around the whole yard...

doesnt matter, the insurance carrier has to be sure that they can cover you and without that current experience they look at you as a liablility

You have your work cut out for you... here in Cali, seasonal work is still going strong

You could get a quick orientation and someone would probably put you on, and before anyone noticed, the season would be over

Lots of variables

Good luck man

Aug 08, 2016
Refresher Course
by: Hervy

Edwin between Baton Rouge and New Orleans there are a lot of truck driving schools. Check to see if any of them has a driver refresher track.

If they do, it will likely be a lot cheaper than the regular school track.

I know experienced drivers don't want to hear that, but majority of trucking companies are not going to hire you after 5 or more off of the road no matter how long you drove for.

It's possible to find a mom and pop trucking company or owner op who will give you a shot but not likely a large trucking company unless they have a refresher program of their own.

You might also want to call around and get a feel about whether they would hire you at 64. It's on the high side of what they are looking for but if you have been active the whole time (it sounds like you have been) and you complete trucking school again, maybe they will. I am not sure.

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